“Ok, let me see if I got this straight:
in order to get grounded,
I’ve got to be crazy,
and I must be crazy to keep flying,
but if I ask to be grounded,
that means I’m not crazy anymore
and I have to keep flying?”
“You got it,
that’s Catch-22.”
Heller, Catch-22.
I’ve been carrying this post in my head for a while and now’s as good a time as any to lift it gently from headspace to page. Blogging is a strange pastime and curious process, not unlike a relationship actually. In some ways and senses, it’s exactly that but a relationship with reflected parts of yourself. And these selected, edited aspects shine back crafting a sensation as close to discombobulation as I can imagine.
A gorgeous man very recently said to me: ‘Relationships are bound by swathes of ignorance.’ We were discussing the secret and oh so private world of the lover, a place our regular life and friends have no immediate access to or awareness of. Evidentally it’s primarily this shadow side that erotic bloggers share, and for the most part the equation is reversed, so their mundane life is the protected secret. It’s clean, sensible and makes for dirty reading.
Some bloggers, like me, transcend the purely erotic layer and plunge deep into the soul and feeling. Naturally that leads to a more contemplative take, one with increased emotional exposure for me. I’ve put my heart into these writings and I know that many of you have appreciated that. I receive the most amazing letters, where the honesty and passion of disclosure leave me humbled. I’m deeply touched that I reach people in such a way, it tells me that beyond the need for immediately jackable writings, there’s a place where we need to reflect and integrate our sexual needs and desires with the life we actually have.
I know only too well the perils of fusing fantasy with reality. The initial thrust is thrilling, the release from the shackles of taboo exhilerating and the pleasure is immense. But it must settle, and as the new circuits establish themselves into a more routine function (simply by virtue of the fact they are now alive and operating in your erotic life,) your feelings change. The relationships in which the dynamic manifests change, as you slip from horny headspace to grass roots reality.
D’jaevle said in a recent comment:
‘Yes, involving more than one person in a relationship can make things more complicated - but it does have some advantages. I’ve yet to find someone for whom a single person can meet all of their needs. Most are willing to sacrifice parts of themselves for a relationship; some pretend to do so and simply covertly look elsewhere.’
There was a flare recently when Roper bravely shared his story. I neither condone or condemn his choice, but I completely understand him. He received criticism, which as I said in private mail to him, was born from hurt of the betrayed, the wound being so apparent. I felt for Roper, as I feel for everyone who walks that fine line between personal truth and protection of loved ones. So many people fall in love and create lives before their sexuality stakes its claim on them. In part I suspect the internet is responsible, because for the first time our sexual desires are no longer individual demons to be hidden in dark corners. Instead these corners are illuminated and we learn that there are millions who feel and are aroused by the same things we are. To learn this 10 or 20 or 30 years into a marriage generates a conflict that cannot easily be shrugged off.
And so we spin into the web of deception, of self and of others, as we explore our sexuality. Do we nourish our fantasy and deny reality? As children, learning to lie is an important stage in self development and self protection, and child psychologists reckon we start lying from about the age of 3 or 4. While most lies are self serving, many are compassionate, told to protect the feelings of someone we care about. In the sexual arena, both of these reasons play out.
People bleat about truth telling and honesty as if it were the highest of all virtues. I don’t think people realise in the main how much they lie and it’s an interesting exercise to heighten your own awareness of the bullshit that falls from your lips or becomes words on a page. Honesty is for the most part an operational prerogative and one exercised on superficial levels.
In the foreward to Brad Blanton’s book ‘Radical Honesty,’ Neale Donald Walsh says this:
“Don’t look now, but the human race is incredibly unhappy. Oh, not you, of course. You’re fine. It’s the rest of us that have bungled it……We have sentenced ourselves to lives of quiet desperation in punishment for the violence we have done to our souls.
We have done this violence by the simple expediance of lying. We meant nothing by it, of course. We were only trying to get through the moment. Yet by making a lifestyle, we have missed the moment. And the next moment. And the next. In this way, we humans have missed most of our lives. Worse yet, our cumulative lies have cost others….It all started innocently enough. The Little White Lies of Childhood. White lies we learned from our parents, and from the world around us. Untruths masquerading as social etiquette.
Oh Neale stop it, you’re making too much of this. You’re going on and on.
Really? Look around you.
Our governments lie. Our politicians lie. Our economists lie. Our police lie - sometimes on the witness stand. Our educators lie. Our religions lie. Our parents lie. And nobody admits it…
How do we change things? We adopt radical honesty as our new lifestyle.”
Radical Honesty is a terrifying concept, as indeed anything ultimately liberating is and has to be. So unless we are fortunate enough to be in a loving relationship with someone who shares our sexual predilictions, we have an uncomfortable choice to make. Deny our desire, feed it only and endlessly fantasy and enjoy it alone, as emotion free self pleasure never seeing the light of day. Or we can seek and connect with sexual kindred spirits and work through the complications that coupling generates. For some that necessitates levels of lying if only by degrees of omission. It’s easy to judge, to wag your finger and claim the bogus right of the self righteous. But what if you are beckoned by a world of fire and passion, a call so loud you cannot ignore or smother it? What if you try to assimilate your worlds? How well could you blend your partners desires if they were completely different to your own? Could you graciously shoe horn your erotic energy into their need and make it work despite the fact you are sexually diconnected.
Let’s say you are by nature dominant. So is your partner. Could you be submissive for them? Could you be all that entails? And vice versa, could you dominate them knowing that they wish they were the one wielding the whip? Could you bless them meeting another, a natural submissive so that they may experience the integrity of that pleasure? Could you carry the potential of their emotional pain if you sought satisfaction elsewhere? Such expression has many, clumsy emotional connotations.
In the Author’s preface to Radical Honesty, Blanton says:
“many people believe that it is possible for them to love more than one person, and that they shouldn’t. People often do love more than one person, however, even though married and in a monogamous relationship. If both married people tell the truth to each other, they encounter difficulty loving their partner who is also loving a third party. In most cases, this type of love requires more personal growth than either of them can stand, particularly if sexual involvment with another person arises as a possibility…. We can go places with our minds that our psyches can’t yet reach.”
We can go places with our minds that our psyches can’t yet reach.
Or our bodies. This is one of the beauties of erotic blogging specifically, of all erotic writing in general. It’s a highly charged, exciting rush through furtive pleasures and wild imaginings. Of course there are many, many experiences that we are happy to know only vicariously. We don’t desire to live through it, it’s enough to read or watch it play out, to temporarily put ourselves in the characters position until climax, and then we can put it away again. It’s delightfully disposable and convenient. But there are some things that we have to know, to feel, to see, to hear and taste. These scenes haunt us.
Many of us (all of us?) are haunted by something. Childhood experience, the life we *should* have had, broken hearts, broken minds, sometimes broken bodies. So many people are in therapy because of this, because someone hurt them, some people are in therapy because you damaged them in some way. Countless more people choose not to unravel before another and elect to take medication, righting the chemical inbalances that trigger such isolating feelings. I’m no stranger to depression and have in my past had times when meds were the order of the day. The following is only true for me, I make no assumptions about any one else.
I no longer want to medicate or mediate my way through these feelings, I simply want to feel better to my core. And that entails clearing out the mess, the emotional entangements, the seperation of masturbatory desire from the bliss of actual experience, of ‘being in love’ from ‘loving’, my truth from my lies.
On this page I share so much of myself, such an intimate and private aspect but it’s not all of me. These sexual fragments I divulge stand apart from all that I am and sometimes I find it bizarre that a piece of me has its own life on the page. Occassionally I have the impulse to take it back, reintegrate it fully and save it from its lonely existance. To this end, I am vehemently opposed to Bacchus and his thoughts on Internet Vandalism. I think if your blogging has a very personal baseline, you make yourself vulnerable because you give so much of yourself away. From the outside, from the safe vantage point of the reader or the non-intimate blogger, that may seem a strange assertion but I can assure you it’s not always an easy place to be. To write in such a way demands lowering your personal boundaries and letting strangers in. It can emotionally demanding, draining even.
There are other factors too. The actual people in my actual life, the ones I don’t write about by mutual consent and respect. They have a vote too even if they are invisible and unspoken. And for them and for myself, I refuse to play the martyr for the big blog cause. On balance, between my life and your archives, there is no choice. There is no blogger hell or heaven, there is simply the sharing of experience.
At the moment I am very uncomfortable with the extent to which I’ve lowered my boundaries. It’s time for me to take a step back from blogging in order to reaccess and re-establish these most personal demarcations. I won’t be gone for long and actually this decision dovetails nicely with my annual alone time. Every year I go away for a few days on my own. It’s an opportunity to rest and relax, to stalk clarity, to make wise decisions based on insight and to simply be. So I’ll be gone for a week, off the mainland, offline and incommunicado.
When I return I hope to have a better idea of where to go with blogging and with this next chapter of my life.
With special love and thanks to my blogging friends Figleaf and orchidea. Both of you have been incredibly supportive and understanding and I genuinely appreciate our communications. Love also to my dear friend Kochanie for her ongoing faith and encouragement, you have been truly golden.
I love blogging but right now I’m exhausted and a little frayed from sharing so much. Blogging may be a great online unfolding car wreck but I don’t want it to be a plane crash for me. So I’m grounding myself temporarily. I’ll see you on the other side of the full moon.
Blessings and love,