Archive for August, 2005

Motherhood and MILF’s

Published on August 28, 2005

I’ve been thinking about the phenomenon of MILF’s, the reality of the wheel of life for most women and how limited our sexualisation of woman is. Sure, we pay lip service to the whole woman - her mind and soul, as well as her body, but acronyms like MILF betray a different truth. Rather than […]

The Deflowering Ceremony

Published on August 26, 2005

This is the first erotic story I have ever written. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to get around to doing so, but this afternoon I broke that spell. This story is a tale of how things might have been and is for to everyone who wishes they had valued their maidenhood, […]

Lashes and Lingerie

Published on August 24, 2005

I have an assignation with a new (potential) lover. We have been corresponding for a few weeks now, relishing and revelling in a mutual, much loved kink. A devilish place, where elegant whore meets bad girl in need of chastisement meets stern, not averse to role play, older man. We realised, quite early on that […]

Praise the Goddess and pass the Lube

Published on August 22, 2005

TwiddlyBits writes “My ass is a delicate flower”, a teasing image and expression that provoked me to revisit love letters from my past.
NB. Stop NOW if you find references to ageplay offensive.
Date: Saturday, 10th January
From: Daddy
Subject: Beautiful Bottom!!! X
To: [email protected]
Hi baby, I hadn’t forgotten what a lovely bottom you have but it was gorgeous to […]

I fuck therefore I’m fine

Published on August 21, 2005

If there is one thing I take from all the wonderful blogs and writings I pour over online (aside from a certain measure of arousal), it’s that while functional sex satisfies certain greeds, our human needs extend well beyond a mere fuck. Reflecting on how differently we all express ourselves, I realise that this is […]

Through the Looking Glass

Published on August 20, 2005

Inspired by Figleaf I took an hour or so out of my lazy afternoon to indulge in seeing what I didn’t know I had. With camera in hand, I documented my arousal from cold start through the softly swelling waves of self-pleasure. Every few minutes, I would pause to take a photograph of my pussy, […]

The Womansmell of Sex

Published on August 18, 2005

I write of my body being multi-lingual and today it is fluent in the amatory of aroma. My sex breathes it’s musky scent into the air and others must be keen to it. I’m midcycle and naturally riding the crest of my hormonal waves, and my body is transmitting my lust.
Honey for the bees.
I […]

Celebrating Our Joyous Flesh

Published on August 13, 2005

Women are so beautiful. I adore our soft curves, our delicious bouncing breasts, our rounded bellies sweeping into full hips, down to our curvy topped thighs and plump buttocks. Voluptuous or petite, it matters not - I think there is nothing more exquisite than a woman happy in her own skin. I’ve been a teeny […]

Champagne Drenched Hearts

Published on August 11, 2005

I met up with a good friend yesterday. Despite the fact that I was late due to driving straight past my junction, he greeted me with a warm embrace and a bottle of champagne. We relaxed into wonderful conversation and a natural intimacy with each other for the most beautiful aspect of friendships like these […]

Play the deuce with me…

Published on August 4, 2005

To see where we’re heading, sometimes it serves to see where we’ve been. So I’m engaged in some kind of retrospective that is walking me through the pages of my past. Maybe I’m seeking a point of reference or maybe there is no point at all. These are sweet words, taken from my writings a […]