Archive for September, 2005

Read My Lips

Published on September 23, 2005

Masturbation is a beautiful sin.
It is beyond reason, a detonation of desire where our minds become accomplices with our capricious flesh. The sweetest of partners in grime - dirty yet delectable.
At the close of my Virgin Orgasm post, I expressed a tender reminisence of those innocent days. When time dissolved into lost hours of […]

Autumn Equinox - Harvest Home

Published on September 22, 2005

Orange Moon taken last night (courtesy of NASA)
The Autumn Equinox means equal hours of light and darkness, before the darkness takes over. We now descend into darkness and something about that phrase makes me tingle deep into my bones. I love the passionate, burning colours of the autumn, but still it saddens me to bid […]

Virgin Orgasm

Published on September 21, 2005

“Before you are a Goddess, you are a nymph” -Eve Marx
Innocence is compelling. The sweet, essentially sensual early blush of sexuality where our bodies are not bound by the anhedonistic, monogamy-centrist, codependent, sex-is-dangerous cultural programming. Freud described children under the age of 5 as being ‘polymorphously perverse’, meaning that they are explorative of what feels […]

Nipple Shields

Published on September 18, 2005

It was my pleasure today to meet the very charming Richard Larsen. I greatly admire his work, and most especially these darling nipple shields. I believe they would look delightful on Lena the Dancing Girl, and fuel my desire for topless belly dance yet further. I have a luscious image in my mind. I am […]

Bizarre Bazaar

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Sundays are traditionally the day for Alternative markets in England so today I ventured into the heart of the Country to visit one of the friendliest fairs going. I was on a mission. I’ve wanted a corset for ages, and knew just the people to visit. I was there a few months back, and remember […]

Lena’s Luna Lore

Published on September 17, 2005

Tomorrow is the full moon and a time of celebration. The moon is a powerful ally and harmoniser, and there is nothing more beautiful than activating those dark, feminine energies. I love to moon bathe, allowing the cool light of that most magical orb to cleanse and inspire. Always naked, always sacred. It’s the only […]

Sappho’s breathing, waiting….

Published on September 16, 2005

“Have you ever wanted to sleep with another woman?”
In ‘Beyond You and Me’ S poses the question to Cassie, opening Chapter 12 with a hungry longing that circles me.
My experience with women is so very limited and buried in my memory banks under ‘drunk and best forgotten’. Which is a tragedy because in […]

Hush, hush…

Published on September 15, 2005

Whisper who dares,
Lena the Lover is saying her Prayers.

Cock Rings

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I have fond memories of cock rings.

Only one of my lovers has ever worn them, a knowledge he savoured from his younger bisexual days and a gift he shared with me. One radiant Autumnal day we holed ourselves up in a hotel room, where he handed me a small, square cardboard box. Inside were 3 […]

Le Vice Anglais

Published on September 10, 2005

Today I am delerious with lust. Someone undoubtedly wise once said “my body may be a temple but it is also a nightclub”. My licentious soul is anything but quiet, burning with a rapacious heat that nothing quells. To my utter joy I have slept fitfully, punctuating slim hours of sleep with frenzied masturbation. A […]