Archive for October, 2005

Contemplating Complicity

Published on October 29, 2005

My recent forays into the pleasure of pain have led me to muse on the swaying elements that either engage me fully or smite the feeling dead. I’m not a true painslut, and if anything, having experienced what are quite probably my limits, I am more finely attuned to the nuances and psychological complexities of […]

Resurrection of the Wild Woman

Published on October 22, 2005

A timely tag from Darkneuro.
Simply requesting that we take the 5th line from the 23rd post of our blog.
Line five reads:
“Then I sat back and looked at the pictures from beginning to end”.
On the back of the insightful words of Goose I reflected on the sights, sighs and sorrows of the past twelve […]

Guest Blogger - Goose

Published on October 18, 2005

It’s with great pleasure that I welcome into my temples warm embrace, the exquisite Goose. She has become a most cherished friend and confidante, always so very generous with her sage words and her time.
I love every sweet part of Goose - mind, body and soul. I adore her sensuality and tenderness. I […]

To The Blood

Published on October 16, 2005

In reciprocation for her very insightful piece My Dream Porn Flick and simply because I adore her, I have written for Remittance Girl .
To The Blood is a fictionalised account of an experience I endured this week. Rather than post about that happening, I chose to concentrate the overwhelm of feeling into a gift of […]

Magdelena’s Makura No Soshi

Published on October 12, 2005

Remittance Girl created this exquisite Makura No Soshi in celebration of becoming a Metawhore.
W.S.Cross offers us Cassie’s answers, with an additional tenth detail. Now I add mine. This isn’t a meme where we tag one another, rather one you should feel moved to complete.
1. Things that make me want to masturbate
Snuggling in bed listening […]

Guest Blogger - Remittance Girl

Published on October 8, 2005

It is with great pleasure that I introduce this inaugural guest post and welcome into the temple of sublime rebellion, my first metawhore - the resplendent Remittance Girl with her fine words on ‘My Dream Porn Flick’.
Being a rebellious spirit is risky and requires a lion’s heart matched with a saint’s dignity. Life on this […]


Published on October 6, 2005

Darkness has become less and less an aspect of our daily lives. In the past, the literal natural nocturnal energies of the night supported the presence and enhanced the mystery of the unconscious. In the half-light, the soft light, the moonlight, magic can caress our imaginations, allowing our conscious minds quiet time in which to […]

Wanking Shame

Published on October 4, 2005

You know how it is. You’re reading up on some soon-to-be-explored kink, and you either screwup your keywords or google doesn’t know it’s arse from it’s elbow and you get a raft of unrelated yet interesting links. And so tonight, rather than relish in fun to be had I am enjoying the bounties of Wanking […]

When the heart turns cold

Published on

There is an old Peruvian legend that tells of a city where everyone was happy. Its inhabitants did as they pleased, and got along well with each other. Except for the mayor, who was sad because he had nothing to govern. The jail was empty, the court was never used, and the notary office produced […]

The Vulnerability of Silence

Published on October 1, 2005

For the first time in too long I reconnected to that deep reservoir of silence which defines us more than any word can. Today I woke weary to my very marrow, a feeling that Goose also writes of. This has been coupled with a distinct experience of disconnection, for which I am grateful toVirgin Slut […]