Archive for July, 2006


Published on July 23, 2006

“In the pressure of the dance some of the shells had broken and lay on the dance floor.”
Anais Nin - Delta of Venus.
Be gentle.
If your curiosity has brought you here ahead of my invitation I ask that you silently, sensitively observe only.
Today I have enjoyed the flitting companionship of a comma butterly. Finally I caught […]

The Elusive Obvious

Published on July 20, 2006

(Image courtesy of Tales from the 1001 Nights. )
“I want to tell you a story about dreams” said the alchemist.
Paulo Coelho The Alchemist.
Like a handful of my blogging friends, this week sees this journal mark its first year. I opened the account in March and completely forgot about it for four months before breathing […]

Streams of harmony

Published on July 17, 2006

As the vibrant colours of the weekend fade to memory, I interrupt their journey by gently calling them back. I need to live them again and again, and so I ensure their pathway from the velvet box of experiences known is smooth and easy.
You were wonderful and as always kind. Despite the heat of the […]

What is a Metawhore?

Published on July 7, 2006

I do get asked this question from time to time, so when Cyclone opened their post with this curiosity, I thought it best to address in part what it means to me. Below is a re-posting of a piece I wrote almost a year ago which concentrates the essence of the metawhore but lacks […]