Archive for December, 2006

Nocturnal Butterflies

Published on December 31, 2006

In the depth of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. - Camus
The butterfly is a potent image and metaphor for submissive women, capturing beautifully the transformation and promise of D/s passions. Butterflies are adorable, pretty and enchanting. Who doesn’t love butterflies?
Little flying creatures used to unnerve me; extracted […]

Wants and Needs

Published on December 24, 2006

Steeped in eroticism and the soul’s longing for home, The Argentine Tango has been a powerful expression for all those who are looking for a sense of belonging. Belonging to someone, somewhere, something…
- The history of The Argentine Tango, from the BBC site linked below.
Why do I dance?
Why do you want to live?
I wanted Mark […]

The Devil’s Red Hot Shoes.

Published on December 16, 2006

Someone once told me I had lost my way, not my soul. Sometimes I wonder if that is the other way round. Despite bruising, I am at heart, brilliant with innocence, but too pale. I crave colour, deep blood berry red hues seduce me.
I am famished, my furtive dreams rob, and charm me. It is […]


Published on December 10, 2006

Nothing feels like coming home. Isn’t that something that just makes you feel warm and content, no matter what has happened in the world outside. Home is welcoming and a place you naturally rest at ease. Now, with me, this sense is heightened by simple indulgence. When you come home, and the house is silent […]

Gently, My Darling

Published on December 2, 2006